I don’t even know where to start! So much has happened that it is crazy! I hope I can tell you all that I want to! So I told you all about Susan last week and how I feel like I knew her before. I feel like we have been friends forever. Crazy thing....So I had just finished sending you guys that email when...guess who calls? Susan! She told us that she wanted to be baptized! So we were of course freaking out and I couldn't even really breathe and my heart was just pounding and I couldn't even type my letter to my Dad! (sorry dad) But I was SOOOO happy! That had us in such a good mood all week! So we went to her house on Wednesday and we were there for 5 hours! All through our lunch break just teaching her all of the lessons at once, she had a few questions and we answered them and she understood and accepted everything! She didn't have any problems with anything! She is so special, we all cried again. I have never born my testimony as much as when I am with her, teaching her has been really spiritual because it is in English! She is just amazing! Well, she was interviewed Thursday and of course she passed, and then we had the baptism on Sunday! Her mom couldn't have been happier, and the whole ward as well! They were like "how did you guys do it! ? We have been trying to get her for 8 years!" And her Mom spoke at the baptism and talked about how she has been praying for all the years that she has been a member, for the right missionaries to show up and teach Susan and get her to be baptized and it finally happened! I cried of course (there wasn’t a dry eye in the room, even the bishop was crying!) It was amazing, and I felt sort of embarrassed because we were getting so much attention for how amazing we are and everything, when really we didn't even do anything! Her and I just hit it off from the start and she received her answer! After we taught her on Sunday night (what I wrote about last week), she prayed and prayed all night and then she woke up in the morning and started to pray again and she fell asleep during her prayer :) and she had a dream and envisioned her whole baptism! It was amazing to hear her tell the story! She knew right then that that was her answer! She also said that she has been receiving little answers for a while! For example she is planning on moving to the states and she said that she kept thinking about how she needs to move close to a chapel and just little things like that. Then she would think, "why are you even thinking that, you're not even a member?". But God knew that she would be! This past transfer was SOOOO hard for me, so many things happened that had me asking why? a lot! But I tried my hardest to endure, and look at the blessings that we received! I will never ever forget her!
This transfer (today) has definitely ended with a BANG! We had Susan baptized, but also Miguelina! She is amazing, a real example to me! She gave up smoking, coffee, and drinking all in these 6 weeks, and she was baptized on Saturday, along with.....JUAN PABLO! and it was so special, in church on Sunday he bore his testimony in the class about how all the Hermana's helped him so much! I just think he is wonderful! Thank you all so much for all of your prayers for him, I know that they helped and he just decided to be baptized and I can already see the difference it has made in his life, and he has already given us 4 references! :)
Another reason that I now know why I was supposed to endure this hard transfer and do so much in my companionship is because guess what....guess who is the Senior companion...yeah, me! AHHHH I am so nervous! It is my 3rd transfer! My spanish isn't perfect yet, but it will be fine, because my new companion is the Presidents Daughter. So Hermana Antivilo and I will be back in the area that I started in and I know that we will work really well together and we will exercise our faith, and we are going to try our hardest to work with the members! I can’t believe that I already moved up! But now I just have to work my hardest because the Lord is putting a lot of trust and faith in me, the President too with his daughter! I love it here though and I am so happy that I get to stay in Gazcue again! I love you all! Thank you for all that you do! You mean the world to me, and to our Heavenly Father! Make Him proud always!
Hermana Reay
P.S.. I don’t know what the purple stuff is yet, I haven't received the results! I will tell you when I know!
(This is a picture of our baptism, President Antivilo and his wife, his daughter (my new comp) my 1st comp and my 2nd, me and Juan Pablos family, and Miguelina. It was a wonderful day.)
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